Polskie publikacje z dziedziny nauk o glebie

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Polish papers in soil science published in the journals indexed by JCR

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dr inż. Katarzyna Szopka (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu)


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Publikacje z lat:

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009-2010 | 2007-2008 | 2001-2006 | do 2000



Publikacje do roku 2000


  • Breymeyer, A., Degorski, M., Reed, D., 1997. Decomposition of pine-litter organic matter and chemical properties of upper soil layers: Transect studies. Environmental Pollution, 98, 361-367.
  • Brozek, S., 1990. Effect of Soil Changes Caused by Red Alder (Alnus-Rubra) on Biomass and Nutrient Status of Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga-Menziesii) Seedlings. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 20, 1320-1325.
  • Carlson, R.W., Kalembasa, S., Turowski, D., Pachori, P., Noel, K.D., 1987. Characterization of the Lipopolysaccharide from a Rhizobium-Phaseoli Mutant That Is Defective in Infection Thread Development. J Bacteriol, 169, 4923-4928.
  • Chibowski, S., Zygmunt, J., Klimowicz, Z., 1999. Investigation of adsorption and vertical migration of Cs-137 in three kinds of soil at Lublin vicinity. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 242, 287-295.
  • Czaban J., 2000. Microbial transformation of cadmium sorbed by soil. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 9 (6), 455-462.
  • Czaban J., Kobus J., 2000. Oxidation of elemental sulfur by bacteria and fungi in soil. Polish Journal of Microbiology (Acta Microbiologica Polonica), 49 (2), 135-147.
  • Czarnowska, K., Gworek, B., 1990. Geochemical Background Values for Trace-Elements in Arable Soils Developed from Sedimentary-Rocks of Glacial Origin. Environ Geochem Health, 12, 289-290.
  • Czarnowska, K., Gworek, B., 1992. Heavy-Metal Content of Moss from Kampinos National-Park in Poland. Environ Geochem Health, 14, 9-14.
  • Degorski, M.L., 1987. Dynamics of the Reaction and Sulfate Sulfur in Soil as an Indicator of Anthropogenic Pressure on Forest Habitat Conditions. Ekologia Polska-Polish Journal of Ecology, 35, 775-&.
  • Dexter, A.R., Arvidsson, J., Czyz, E.A., Trautner, A., Stenberg, B., 1999. Respiration rates of soil aggregates in relation to tillage and straw-management practices in the field. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 49, 193-200.
  • Dexter, A.R., Czyz, E.A., 2000. Soil physical quality and the effects of management. Soil Quality, Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Security in Central and Eastern Europe, 69, 153-165.
  • Diatta, J.B., Kocialkowski, W.Z., Grzebisz, W., 2000. Copper distribution and quantity-intensity parameters of highly contaminated soils in the vicinity of a copper plant. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 9, 355-361.
  • Drozd, J., Jongerius, A., Kowalinksi, S., 1982. An Integrated Chemical and Micro-Morphological Investigation of Humic Substances in 3 Podzolized Soils of the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science, 30, 205-226.
  • Drozd, J., Licznar, M., Kita, W., Plaskowska, E., 1996. The changes in the composition of fungi communities in the composting of organic municipal wastes. New Directions in Plant Pathology, 229-232.
  • Gasser, J.K.R., Kalembasa, S.J., 1976. Soil-Nitrogen .9. Effects of Leys and Organic Manures on Available-Nitrogen in Clay and Sandy Soils. Journal of Soil Science, 27, 237-249.
  • Gediga, K., 1991. Influence of Subsoil Compaction on the Uptake of Ca-45 from the Soil-Profile and on Maize Yield. Soil & Tillage Research, 19, 351-355.
  • Gembarzewski H., Korzeniowska J., 1990. Simultaneous extraction of B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn from mineral soils and an estimation of the results. Agribiological Research-Zeitschrift Fur Agrarbiologie Agrikulturchemie Okologie, Volume 43, 115-127
  • Golebiowska, D., Mielnik, L., Gonet, S., 1996. Characteristics of humic acids in bottom sediments of Lobelia lakes. Environment International, 22, 571-578.
  • Gonet, S.S., Cieslewicz, J., 1998. Differential thermal analysis of sedimentary humic acids in the light of their origin. Environment International, 24, 629-636.
  • Gonet, S.S., Debska, B., 1998. Properties of humic acids developed during humification process of post-harvest plant residues. Environment International, 24, 603-608.
  • Gonet, S.S., Debska, B., 2000. Application of Freundlich isotherm for describing adsorption of metal ions by soils. Mengen- Und Spurenelemente, 165-172.
  • Gonet, S.S., Dziamski, A., Gonet, E., 1996. Application of humus preparations from oxyhumolite in crop production. Environment International, 22, 559-562.
  • Gonet, S.S., Wegner, K., 1991. Fractionation of Soil Humus Acids by Gel Chromatography. Chemia Analityczna, 36, 275-278.
  • Gonet, S.S., Wegner, K., 1996. Viscosimetric and chromatographic studies of soil humic acids. Environment International, 22, 485-488.
  • Grzebisz, W., 1985. Influence of Winter Rye Cultivation in Monoculture on Dry-Weight and Content of Macronutrients in Harvest Residues. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 155, 60-69.
  • Grzebisz, W., 1988. The Influence of Crop-Rotation with an Increasing Content of Cereals on Photosynthetic Potential of Winter-Wheat. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 160, 198-207.
  • Grzebisz, W., Floris, J., Vannoordwijk, M., 1989. Dutch Program on Soil Ecology of Arable Farming Systems .2. Loss of Dry-Matter and Cell Contents from Fibrous Roots of Sugar-Beet Due to Sampling, Storage and Washing. Plant and Soil, 113, 53-57.
  • Grzebisz, W., Kocialkowski, W.Z., Chudzinski, B., 1997. Copper geochemistry and availability in cultivated soils contaminated by a copper smelter. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 58, 301-307.
  • Grzebisz, W., Oertli, J.J., 1992. Comparison of the Neubauer Bioassay with Some Classical and Universal Extractants for Determining Plant Available-P in Cultivated Soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 23, 733-746.
  • Grzebisz, W., Oertli, J.J., 1993. Evaluation of Universal Extractants for Determining Plant-Available Potassium in Intensively Cultivated Soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 24, 1295-1308.
  • Gworek, B., 1992. Inactivation of Cadmium in Contaminated Soils Using Synthetic Zeolites. Environmental Pollution, 75, 269-271.
  • Gworek, B., 1992. Lead Inactivation in Soils by Zeolites. Plant and Soil, 143, 71-74.
  • Gworek, B., 1993. The Effect of Zeolites on Copper Uptake by Plants Growing in Contaminated Soils. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry, 15, 1-7.
  • Jerzykiewicz, M., Drozd, J., Jezierski, A., 1999. Organic radicals and paramagnetic metal complexes in municipal solid waste composts. An EPR and chemical study. Chemosphere, 39, 253-268.
  • Jezierski, S., Czechowski, F., Jerzykiewicz, M., Drozd, J., 2000. EPR investigations of structure of humic acids from compost, soil, peat and soft brown coal upon oxidation and metal uptake. Applied Magnetic Resonance, 18, 127-136.
  • Karczewska, A., 1996. Metal species distribution in top- and sub-soil in an area affected by copper smelter emissions. Applied Geochemistry, 11, 35-42.
  • Karczewska, A., Chodak, T., Kaszubkiewicz, J., 1996. The suitability of brown coal as a sorbent for heavy metals in polluted soils. Applied Geochemistry, 11, 343-346.
  • Kita, W., Drozd, J., Licznar, M., 1996. The influence of extracts from composted organic municipal wastes on the growth and development of Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn and Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. New Directions in Plant Pathology, 406-407.
  • Klimowicz, Z., Uziak, S., 1996. Arctic soil properties associated with micro-relief forms in the Bellsund region (Spitsbergen). CATENA, 28, 135-149.
  • Kowalkowski, A., 1975. Granulometric Indexes of Stratigraphy of Soil Horizons in Mountain Complex of Sant Basin and Valley. Bulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-Serie Des Sciences De La Terre, 23, 213-220.
  • Kowalkowski, A., 1977a. Sod-Gley Soils Developed from Young Alluvial Sediments in Bayan-Nuurin-Khotnor Basin. Bulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-Serie Des Sciences De La Terre, 25, 229-&.
  • Kowalkowski, A., 1977b. Soils of Continental Alpine Tundra in Central Khangai. Bulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-Serie Des Sciences De La Terre, 25, 219-227.
  • Kowalkowski, A., 1977c. Surface Erosion of Chestnut Soils on Southern Slopes of Khangai Mts. Bulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-Serie Des Sciences De La Terre, 25, 159-&.
  • Kowalkowski, A., 1990. Survival Rate of Tree and Shrub Seedlings under Extreme Environmental Nitrogen Pollution. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 54, 51-59.
  • Kowalkowski, A., Borzyszkowski, J., 1980. Topocatene of Burozems on the Western Edge of the Ikhe-Nart Plateau. Bulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-Serie Des Sciences De La Terre, 28, 199-&.
  • Kowalkowski, A., Brogowski, Z., 1983. Features of Cryogenic Environment in Soils of Continental Tundra and Arid Steppe on the Southern Khangai Slope under Electron-Microscope. CATENA, 10, 199-205.
  • Kowalkowski, A., Lomborinchen, R., 1975. Geo-Ecological Conditions of Soil Cover in Mountain Complex of Sant Catchment Basin and Valley. Bulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-Serie Des Sciences De La Terre, 23, 207-&.
  • Kowalkowski, A., Mycielska-Dowgiallo, E., 1985. Weathering of Quartz Grains in the Liquefied Horizon of Permafrost Solonchaks in the Arid Steppe Zone, Central Mongolia. CATENA, 12, 179-190.
  • Kowalkowski, A., Pacyna, A., Hanke-Pacewiczowa, T., Trzcinska, M., 1980a. Characteristic of Soils and Vegetation of a Fairy Ring in Dry Steppe of the Sant Valley. Bulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-Serie Des Sciences De La Terre, 28, 207-&.
  • Kowalkowski, A., Undral, G., Borzyszkowski, J., 1980b. Methodological Principles for 1/100000 Scale Soil Cartography of the Bayan District in the Dry Steppe Zone. Bulletin De L Academie Polonaise Des Sciences-Serie Des Sciences De La Terre, 28, 215-222.
  • Li, Y.M., Chaney, R.L., Siebielec, G., Kerschner, B.A., 2000. Response of four turfgrass cultivars to limestone and biosolids-compost amendment of a zinc and cadmium contaminated soil at Palmerton, Pennsylvania. Journal of Environmental Quality, 29, 1440-1447.
  • Maliszewska-Kordybach, B., 2000a. Organic contaminants in agricultural soils in central and east European countries as compared to west European countries; Example of PAHs. Soil Quality, Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Security in Central and Eastern Europe, 69, 49-60.
  • Maliszewska-Kordybach, B., 2000b. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in agroecosystems - Example of Poland. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 21, 287-295.
  • Maliszewska-Kordybach, B., Smreczak, B., 2000. Ecotoxicological activity of soils polluted with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS) - Effect on plants. Environmental Technology, 21, 1099-1110.
  • Misztal, M., Smal, H., Gorniak, A., 1992. Ground-Water Inflow of Nutrients to a Lake from Differently Utilized Catchments. Water Res, 26, 1237-1242.
  • Moliszewska, E., Pisarek, I., 1996. Influence of humic substances on the growth of two phytopathogenic soil fungi. Environment International, 22, 579-584.
  • Pruden, G., Kalembasa, S.J., Jenkinson, D.S., 1985a. Reduction of Nitrate Prior to Kjeldahl Digestion. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 36, 71-73.
  • Pruden, G., Powlson, D.S., Kalembasa, S.J., Jenkinson, D.S., 1985b. New Techniques for Analysis of N-15 in Crops and Soils. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 36, 277-278.
  • Prusinkiewicz, Z., Bednarek, R., Degorski, M., Grelewicz, A., 1981. The Water Regime of Sandy Soils in a Dry Pine Forest (Cladonio-Pinetum) in the Northern Part of the Glacial Outwash Plains of the Brda and Wda Rivers. Ekologia Polska-Polish Journal of Ecology, 29, 283-309.
  • Prusinkiewicz, Z., Bednarek, R., Kosko, A., Szmyt, M., 1998. Paleopedological studies of the age and properties of illuvial bands at an archaeological site. Quaternary International, 51-2, 195-201.
  • Smal, H., 1993. Environmental-Conditions and Chemical Time Bomb Hazards in Poland. Land Degradation and Rehabilitation, 4, 269-274.
  • Smal, H., Misztal, M., 1996. Soil solution chemistry in the profiles of forest and arable light textured soils, SE Poland. Applied Geochemistry, 11, 81-85.
  • Stuczynski, T.I. et al., 2000. Application of sludges for remediation of contaminated soil environment. Soil Quality, Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Security in Central and Eastern Europe, 69, 227-242.
  • Stuczynski, T.I., McCarty, G.W., Wright, R.J., 1998a. Impact of coal combustion product amendments on soil quality: I. Mobilization of soil organic nitrogen. Soil Science, 163, 952-959.
  • Stuczynski, T.I., McCarty, G.W., Wright, R.J., Reeves, J.B., 1998b. Impact of coal combustion product amendments on soil quality: II. Mobilization of soil organic carbon. Soil Science, 163, 960-969.
  • Terelak, H., Motowicka-Terelak, T., Stuczynski, T., 1996. Direct and residual effects of sulphur pollution on the acidity of a Loamy soil. Applied Geochemistry, 11, 371-373.
  • Vannoordwijk, M., Brouwer, G., Koning, H., Meijboom, F.W., Grzebisz, W., 1994. Production and Decay of Structural Root Material of Winter-Wheat and Sugar-Beet in Conventional and Integrated Cropping Systems. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 51, 99-113.
  • Vucetich, J.A. et al., 2000. Carbon pools and ecosystem properties along a latitudinal gradient in northern Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 136, 135-145.
  • Wachalewski, T., Chodak, M., 1998. The influence of brown coal on heavy metal assimilation by darnel (Lolium multiflorum). Microelements and Trace Elements, 324-331.
  • Wright, R.J., Codling, E.E., Stuczynski, T., Siddaramappa, R., 1998. Influence of soil-applied coal combustion byproducts on growth and elemental composition of annual ryegrass. Environ Geochem Health, 20, 11-18.
  • Zygmunt, J., Chibowski, S., Klimowicz, Z., 1998. The effect of sorption properties of soil minerals on the vertical migration rate of cesium in soil. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 231, 57-62.