Polskie publikacje z dziedziny nauk o glebie

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Polish papers in soil science published in the journals indexed by JCR

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dr inż. Katarzyna Szopka (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu)


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Publikacje z lat:

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009-2010 | 2007-2008 | 2001-2006 | do 2000



Publikacje z roku 2014


  • Baran A., Czech T., Wieczorek J. 2014. Chemical properties and toxicity of soils contaminated by mining activity. Ecotoxicology 23, 1234-1244.
  • Baćmaga M., Wyszkowska J., Borowik A., Tomkiel M., Kucharski J. 2014. Response of fungi, ß-glucosidase, and arylsulfatase to soil contamination by Alister Grande 190 OD, Fuego 500 SC, and Lumax 537.5 SE herbicides. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 23, 19-25.
  • Becher M., Pakuła K. 2014. Nitrogen fractions in spent mushroom substrate. J. Elem., 19(4): 947-958.
  • Bednarek W., Dresler S., Tkaczyk P., Hanaka A. 2014. Physicochemical properties of surface soil layer after the flood in the middle Vistula River valley. J. Elem., 19(1): 17-29.
  • Bińczycki T., Tyszka R., Weber J. 2014. Heavy isotope analyses in soil sciences: possibilities and challenges. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 23, 2, 303-307.
  • Boguta P., Sokołowska Z. 2014. Statistical relationship between selected physicochemical properties of peaty-muck soils and their fraction of humic acids. Int. Agroph. 28, 3, 219–229
  • Borowik A., Wyszkowska J., Kucharski J., Baćmaga M., Boros-Lajszner E., Tomkiel M. 2014. Sensitivity of soil enzymes to excessive zinc concentrations. J. Elem., 19(3): 637–648
  • Borowik A., Wyszkowska J., Kucharski M., Kucharski J. 2014. Resistance of dehydrogenases, catalase, urease and plants to soil contamination with zinc. J. Elem., 19(4): 929-946.
  • Borowska K., Koper J., Kozik K., Rutkowska A. 2014. Effect of slurry fertilization on the selenium content and catalase activity in lessive soil. J. Elem., 19(3): 649-660
  • Chodak M., Gołębiewski M., Morawska-Płoskonka J., Kuduk K., Niklińska M. 2014. Diversity of microorganisms from forest soils differently polluted with heavy metals. Applied Soil Ecology 64, 7-14.
  • Chudzińska E., Diatta J. B., Wojnicka-Półtorak A. 2014. Adaptation strategies and referencing trial of Scots and black pine populations subjected to heavy metal pollution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 2165-2177. DOI 10.1007/s11356-013-2081-3
  • Ciesielczuk T., Kusza G., Poluszyńska J., Kochanowska K. 2014. Pollution of flooded arable soils with heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 225(10), 2145.
  • Czaban J., Czyż E., Siebielec G., Niedźwiecki J. 2014. Long-lasting Effects of Bentonite on Properties of A Sandy Soil Deprived of the Humus Layer. International Agrophysics 28(3), 279-289.
  • Czerwiński M., Kobierski M., Golińska B., Goliński P. 2014. Applicability of full inversion tillage to semi-natural grassland restoration on ex-arable land. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 61, 785-795.
  • Czerwiński M., Kobierski M., Golińska B., Goliński P. 2014. Applicability of full inversion tillage to semi-natural grassland restoration on ex-arable land. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 61, 785-795.
  • Debaene G., Niedźwiecki J., Pecio A., Żurek A. 2014. Effect of the number of calibration samples on the prediction of several soil properties at the farm-scale. Geoderma 214–215, 114-125.
  • Drewnik M., Skiba M., Szymański W., Żyła M. 2014. Mineral composition vs. soil forming processes in loess soils—A case study from Kraków (Southern Poland). Catena 119, 166-173.
  • Gałka B., Kabała C., Łabaz B., Bogacz A. 2014. Wpływ drzewostanów o zróżnicowanym udziale świerka na gleby różnych typów siedliskowych lasu w Górach Stołowych. Sylwan 158 (9): 684-694.
  • Gałka B., Łabaz B. 2014. Skład frakcyjny materii organicznej powierzchniowych poziomów próchnicznych gleb leśnych Gór Stołowych. Sylwan 158 (1): 18-25.
  • Gałka B., Łabaz B., Bogacz A., Bojko O., Kabala C. 2014. Conversion of Norway spruce forests will reduce organic carbon pools in the mountain soils of SW Poland. Geoderma 213: 287-295. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.08.029.
  • Gediga K., Spiak Z., Piszcz U., Bielecki K. 2014. Suitability of Different Soil Extractants for Determination of Available Cu and Mn Content in Polish Soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 46(S1): 81–93.
  • Glińska-Lewczuk K., Bieniek A., Sowiński P., Obolewski K., Burandt P., Timofte C.M. 2014. Variability of zinc content in soils in a postglacial river valley - a geochemical landscape approach. J. Elem. 19(2): 361-376
  • Glińska-Lewczuk K., Bieniek A., Sowiński P., Obolewski K., Burandt P., Timofte C.M. 2014. Variability of zinc content in soils in a postglacial river valley - a geochemical landscape approach. J. Elem. 19(2): 361-376, DOI: 10.5601/jelem.2014.19.1.618
  • Gondek K., Baran A., Kopeć M. 2014. The effect of low-temperature transformation of mixtures of sewage sludge and plant materials on content, leachability and toxicity of heavy metals. Chemosphere 117, 33-39.
  • Gondek K., Mierzwa M. 2014. Ilość i jakość materii organicznej w glebie po aplikacji różnych materiałów organicznych. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 21(3), 477-485.
  • Gondek K., Tabak M., Kopeć M. 2014. Effect of soil pollution with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on maize biomass yield and accumulation of selected trace elements. J. Elem., 19(4): 989-1000.
  • Gozdowski D., Stępień M., Samborski S., Dobers E. S., Szatyłowicz J., Chormański J. 2014. Determination of the Most Relevant Soil Properties for the Delineation of Management Zones in Production Fields. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 45: 2289-2304.
  • Gruba P., Błońska E., Lasota J. 2014. Predicting the Concentration of Total Mercury in Mineral Horizons of Forest Soils Varying in Organic Matter and Mineral Fine Fraction Content. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 225(4), 1-9.
  • Gruba P., Socha J., Błońska E., Lasota J., Suchanek A., Gołąb P. 2014. Wpływ skały macierzystej na alokację zasobów węgla organicznego w glebach leśnych. Influence of parent material on the spatial distribution of organic carbon stock in the forest soils. SYLWAN 158 (6): 443-452.
  • Grzesiak P., Łukaszyk J., Kurczewska J., Schroeder G. 2014. The binding of heavy metals and arsenic in the soil by [3-(2-aminoethylamino)propyl]trimethoxysilane. Polish J. Environmental Studies 23, 3, 961-965.
  • Głąb T., Gondek K. 2014. The influence of soil compaction and N fertilization on physico-chemical properties of Mollic Fluvisol soil under red clover/grass mixture, Geoderma 226–227: 204-212.
  • Hajduk E., Kaniuczak J. 2014. Microelements in soils and in leaves of selected tree species in an industrial urban area. J. Elem., 19(4): 1001 – 1020.
  • Halarewicz A., Kawałko D. 2014. Wpływ czynników glebowych na występowanie Prunus serotina w fitocenozach leśnych. Sylwan 158, 117-123.
  • Jabłońska-Czapla M., Szopa S., Rosik-Dulewska C. 2014. Impact of mining dump on the accumulation and mobility of metals in the Bytomka river sediments. Archives of Environmental Protection 40(2), 3-19.
  • Jamroz E., Kocowicz A., Bekier J., Weber J. .2014 Properties of soil organic matter in Podzols under mountain dwarf pine (Pinus mugo Turra.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in various stages of dieback in the East Sudety Mountains, Poland Forest Ecology and Management, 330, pp. 261-270.
  • Jamroz E., Kocowicz A., Bekier J., Weber J. 2014. Properties of soil organic matter in Podzols under mountain dwarf pine (Pinus mugo Turra.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in various stages of dieback in the East Sudety Mountains, Poland. Forest Ecology and Management 330, 261-270.
  • Jamroz E., Weber J., Dębicka M. 2014. Wpływ odnowienia lasu zrębem zupełnym na trofizm gleb rdzawych na przykładzie Nadleśnictwa Spała. Sylwan 158 (9): 669-674.
  • Jamroz E., Weber J., Dębicka M. 2014. Wpływ odnowienia lasu zrębem zupełnym na trofizm gleb rdzawych na przykładzie Nadleśnictwa Spała. Sylwan, 158(9), 669-674.
  • Jankowski M. 2014. The evidence of lateral podzolization in sandy soils of Northern Poland, CATENA 112, 139-147.
  • Jaremko D., Kalembasa D. 2014. Porównanie Metod Oznaczania Pojemności Wymiany Kationów I Sumy Kationów Wymiennych W Glebach. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 21(3), 487-498.
  • Jeske A., Gworek B. 2013. Content and mobility of strontium in forest soils according to north-south transect in Poland.  Archives Env. Prot. 39, 4, 113-123.
  • Jonczak J. 2014. Effect of land use on the carbon and nitrogen forms in humic horizons of Stagnic Luvisols. J. Elem., 19(4): 1037 – 1048.
  • Jonczak J., Parzych A. 2014. The Content of Heavy Metals in the Soil and Litterfall on a Beech-Pine-Spruce Stand in Northern Poland. Archives of Environmental Protection 40(4), 67-77.
  • Jonczak J., Parzych A. 2014. The Content of Heavy Metals in the Soil and Litterfall on a Beech-Pine-Spruce Stand in Northern Poland. Archives of Environmental Protection 40(4), 67-77.
  • Jonczak, J. 2014. Decomposition of beech leaves in 120-years old stand on the area of Middle Pomerania. SYLWAN, 158(8), 621-629.
  • Kabała C., Bojko O. 2014. Trends in trace element concentrations in Holocene bottom sediments of a lake Wielki Staw in the Karkonosze Mountains. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 23, 2, 357-362.
  • Kabała C., Karczewska A., Medyńska-Juraszek A. 2014. Variability and relationships between Pb, Cu, and Zn concentrations in soil solutions and forest floor leachates at heavily polluted sites. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 177, 573-584.
  • Kolacz R., Opalinski S., Dobrzanski Z., Kupczynski R., Cwynar P., Durkalec M., Czaban S. 2014. Copper and zinc contents in the area of the "Zelazny Most" tailing pond. Przemysł Chemiczny 93, 8, 1451-1454.
  • Korzeniowska J., Stanistawska-Glubiak E., Hoffmann J., Gorecka H., Jozwiak W., Wisniewska G. 2014. Evaluation of the effectiveness of phosphorus-sulfur fertilizers produced on the basis of ground rock phosphate. Part I. Technology for manufacturing. Przemysł Chemiczny 93(5), 803-806.
  • Korzeniowska J., Stanisławska-Glubiak E., Hoffmann J., Gołda S. 2014. Evaluation of the effectiveness of phosphorus-sulfur fertilizers produced on the basis of ground rock phosphate. Part 2. Agronomic efficiency of fertilizers and their impact on the environment. Przemysł Chemiczny 93(7), 1231-1234.
  • Korzeniowska J., Stanisławska-Glubiak E., Hoffmann J., Górecka H., Jóźwiak W., Wiśniewska G. Ocena efektywności nawozów fosforytowo-siarkowych produkowanych na bazie mielonego fosforytu. Część I. Technologia wytwarzania nawozów. Przemysł Chemiczny 2014; 93(5): 803-806
  • Księżopolska A., Joniec J. 2014. Aktywność Mikroorganizmów Biorących Udział W Transformacji Materii Organicznej W Glebie Płowej. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 21(3), 499-514.
  • Kubica B., Szarlowicz K., Stobinski M., Skiba S., Reczynski W., Gołas J. 2014. Concentrations of 137Cs and 40K radionuclides and some heavy metals in soil samples from the eastern part of the Main Ridge of the Flysch Carpathians. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 299(3), 1313-1320.
  • Kukla M., Cania B., Plociniczak T., Piotrowska-Seget Z. 2014. Phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons-contaminated soils by using endophytic bacteria. Przemysł Chemiczny 93(3), 355-359.
  • Kumpiene J., Gałązka R., Siebielec G., et al. 2014. Selecting chemical and ecotoxicological test batteries for risk assessment of trace element-contaminated soils (phyto)managed by gentle remediation options (GRO). Science of the Total Environment 496: 510-522.
  • Kuziemska B., Kalembasa S., Wieremiej W. 2014. Distribution of nickel in fractions extracted with the BCR procedure from nickel-contaminated soil. J. Elem., 19(3): 697-708
  • Kuśmierz M., Oleszczuk P. 2014. Biochar production increases the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon content in surrounding soils and potential cancer risk. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 3646-3652.
  • Labaz B., Galka B., Bogacz A., Waroszewski J., Kabala C. 2014. Factors influencing humus forms and forest litter properties in the mid-mountains under temperate climate of southwestern Poland. Geoderma 230–231, 265-273.
  • Lamorski K., Bieganowski A., Ryżak M., Sochan A., Sławiński C., Stelmach W. 2014. Assessment of the usefulness of particle size distribution measured by laser diffraction for soil water retention modelling. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 177, 803-813.
  • Lasota J., Błońska E. 2014. Wartość siedliskotwórcza leśnych gleb niecałkowitych. Sylwan 158 (1): 10-17.
  • Lemanowicz J., Siwik-Ziomek A., Koper J. 2014. Effects of farmyard manure and nitrogen fertilizers on mobility of phosphorus and sulphur in wheat and activity of selected hydrolases in soil. International Agrophysics, 28, 1, 49–55, DOI: 10.2478/intag-2013-0026
  • Lemanowicz J., Siwik-Ziomek A., Koper J. 2014. How Fertilization with Farmyard Manure and Nitrogen Affects Available Phosphorus Content and Phosphatase Activity in Soil. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23(4), 1211-1217.
  • Lipińska A., Kucharski J., Wyszkowska J. 2014. Activity of arylsulphatase in soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Water Air Soil Pollution 225: 2097
  • Łokas E., Bartmiński P., Wachniew P., Mietelski J. W., Kawiak T., Środoń J. 2014. Sources and pathways of artificial radionuclides to soils at a High Arctic site. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21, 12479-12493.
  • Maliszewska-Kordybach B., Smreczak B., Klimkowicz-Pawlas A. 2014. Evaluation of the status of contamination of arable soils in Poland with DDT and HCH residues; national and regional scales. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 23, 139-148.
  • Mazurek R., Bejger R. 2014. The Role of Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) Shelterbelts in the Stabilization of Carbon Pools and Humic Substances in Chernozem. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23(4), 1263-1271.
  • Małek S., Januszek K., Keeton W. S., Barszcz J., Kroczek M., Błońska E., Wanic, T. 2014. Preliminary Effects of Fertilization on Ecochemical Soil Condition in Mature Spruce Stands Experiencing Dieback in the Beskid Śląski and Żywiecki Mountains, Poland. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 225(6), 1-17.
  • Migała K., Wojtuń B., Szymański W., Muskała P. 2014. Soil moisture and temperature variation under different types of tundra vegetation during the growing season: A case study from the Fuglebekken catchment, SW Spitsbergen, CATENA 116: 10-18, DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2013.12.007.
  • Migoń P., Kacprzak A., Malik I., Kasprzak M., Owczarek P., Wistuba M., Pánek T. 2014. Geomorphological, pedological and dendrochronological signatures of a relict landslide terrain, Mt Garbatka (Kamienne Mts), SW Poland. Geomorphology, 219, 213-231.
  • Mozdzer E., Krzywy E. 2014. Effect of organic fertilization with PRP Fix preparation on enzymatic activities of soil. Przemysł Chemiczny 93, 8, 1371-1374.
  • Nikorych V. A., Szymański W., Polchyna S. M., Skiba M. 2014. Genesis and evolution of the fragipan in Albeluvisols in the Precarpathians in Ukraine. Catena 119, 154-165.
  • Nkhili E., Boguta P., Bejger R., Guyot G., Sokołowska Z., Richard C. 2014. Photosensitizing properties of water-extractable organic matter from soils. Chemosphere, 95, 317-323.
  • Nosalewicz A., Lipiec J. 2014. The effect of compacted soil layers on vertical root distribution and water uptake by wheat. Plant and Soil 375:229-240.
  • Novak T. J., Incze J., Spohn M. ,Glina B., Giani L. 2014: Soil and vegetation transformation in abandoned vineyards of the Tokaj Nagy-Hill, Hungary. Catena 123, 88-98.
  • Novák T. J., Incze J., Spohn M., Glina B., Giani L. 2014. Soil and vegetation transformation in abandoned vineyards of the Tokaj Nagy-Hill, Hungary. CATENA, 123, 88-98.
  • Oleszczuk P., Jośko I., Futa B., Pasieczna-Patkowska S., Pałys E., Kraska P. 2014. Effect of pesticides on microorganisms, enzymatic activity and plant in biochar-amended soil, Geoderma 214–215, 10-18.
  • Oleszczuk P., Jośko I., Kuśmierz M., Futa B., Wielgosz E., Ligęza S., Pranagal J. 2014. Microbiological, biochemical and ecotoxicological evaluation of soils in the areas of biochar production in relation to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons content. Geoderma 213, 502–511.
  • Paluszek J. 2014. Air-dry and water-stable soil aggregate distribution of Polish chernozems classified in various complexes of agricultural suitability. Polish J. Environmental Studies 23, 3, 813-821
  • Paluszek J. 2014. Estimation of cation exchange capacity and cation saturation of Luvisols developed from loess. J. Elem., 19(4): 1085 – 1098.
  • Parzych A., Jonczak J. 2014. Pine needles (Pinus sylvestris L.) as bioindicators in the assessment of urban environmental contamination with heavy metals. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 15(3), 41-52.
  • Parzych A., Jonczak J. 2014. Pine needles (Pinus sylvestris L.) as bioindicators in the assessment of urban environmental contamination with heavy metals. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 15(3), 41-52.
  • Pastuszka T., Krzyszczak J., Sławiński C., Lamorski K. 2014. Effect of Time-Domain Reflectometry probe location on soil moisture measurement during wetting and drying processes. Measurement, 49, 182-186.
  • Paszko T. 2014. Modeling of pH-dependent adsorption and leaching of MCPA in profiles of Polish mineral soils. Science of The Total Environment, 494, 229-240.
  • Pawelec H., Drewnik M., Żyła M. 2014. Paleoenvironmental interpretation based on macro-and microstructure analysis of Pleistocene slope covers: A case study from the Miechów Upland, Poland. Geomorphology 232, 145-163.
  • Pawelec H., Drewnik M., Żyła M. 2014. Paleoenvironmental interpretation based on macro-and microstructure analysis of Pleistocene slope covers: A case study from the Miechów Upland, Poland. Geomorphology 232, 145-163.
  • Pietrzykowski M. 2014. Soil quality index as a tool for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) monoculture conversion planning on afforested, reclaimed mine land. Journal of Forestry Research 25: 63-74
  • Pietrzykowski M., Chodak M. 2014. Near infrared spectroscopy—A tool for chemical properties and organic matter assessment of afforested mine soils. Ecological Engineering 62: 115-122, DOI 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.10.025.
  • Pietrzykowski M., Daniels W. L. 2014. Estimation of carbon sequestration by pine Pinus sylvestris L. ecosystems developed on reforested post-mining sites in Poland on differing mine soil substrates. Ecological Engineering 73, 209-218.
  • Pietrzykowski M., Daniels W. L. 2014. Estimation of carbon sequestration by pine Pinus sylvestris L. ecosystems developed on reforested post-mining sites in Poland on differing mine soil substrates. Ecological Engineering 73, 209-218.
  • Pietrzykowski M., Socha J., van Doorn N. S. 2014. Linking heavy metal bioavailability (Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb) in Scots pine needles to soil properties in reclaimed mine areas. Science of The Total Environment 470–471, 501-510.
  • Pietrzykowski M., Socha J., van Doorn N. S. 2014. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) site index in relation to physico-chemical and biological properties in reclaimed mine soils. New Forests, 1-20.
  • Piotrowska-Długosz A., Charzyński P. 2014. The impact of the soil sealing degree on microbial biomass, enzymatic activity, and physicochemical properties in the Ekranic Technosols of Toruń (Poland). Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15:47–59.
  • Piotrowska-Długosz A., Wilczewski E. 2014. Assessment of soil nitrogen and related enzymes as influenced by the incorporation time of field pea cultivated as a catch crop in Alfisol. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 186, 8425-8441.
  • Piotrowska-Długosz A., Wilczewski E. 2014. Soil phosphatase activity and phosphorus content as influenced by catch crops cultivated as green manure. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 23, 157-165.
  • Piskorska-Pliszczynska J., Mikolajczyk S., Warenik-Bany M., Maszewski S., Strucinski P. 2014. Soil as a source of dioxin contamination in eggs from free-range hens on a Polish farm, Science Total Environment 466–467, 447-454.
  • Polakowski C., Sochan A., Bieganowski A., Ryżak M., Földényi R., Tóth J. 2014. Influence of the sand particle shape on particle size distribution measured by laser diffraction method. Int. Agroph. 28, 2, 195-200.
  • Przewoźna B. 2014. Change of bulk density, air-water properties and morphology of soils in basins without outlets as an effect of erosion and anthropogenic denudation (a study from northwestern Poland). Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 60, 30-37.
  • Roj-Rojewski S., Klimaszewska M. 2014. Heavy metals contamination in soils of a small town with intensive road traffic. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23(5). 1711-1717.
  • Siczek A., Lipiec J., Wielbo J., Kidaj D., Szarlip P. 2014. Symbiotic Activity of Pea (Pisum sativum) after Application of Nod Factors under Field Conditions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15(5), 7344-7351.
  • Skiba M., Maj-Szeliga K., Szymański W., Błachowski A. 2014. Weathering of glauconite in soils of temperate climate as exemplified by a Luvisol profile from Góra Puławska, Poland. Geoderma, 235, 212-226.
  • Skowrońska M., Filipek T. 2014. Life cycle assessment of fertilizers: a review. International Agrophysics 28, 1, 101–110, DOI: 10.2478/intag-2013-0032
  • Skwierawska M., Krzebietke S., Jankowski K., Benedycka Z., Mackiewicz-Walec E. 2014. Sulphur in the Polish fertilization diagnostics. J. Elem., 19(1): 299 – 312.
  • Stachnik Ł., Wałach P., Uzarowicz Ł., Yde J. C., Tosheva Z., Wrońska-Wałach D. 2014. Water chemistry and hydrometeorology in a glacierized catchment in the Polar Urals, Russia. Journal of Mountain Science, 11(5), 1097-1111.
  • Stanisławska-Glubiak E., Korzeniowska J. 2014. Phytotoxic thresholds for Zn in soil extracted with 1 M HCl. Journal: Food, Agriculture and Environment 12, 1, 146-149.
  • Stanisławska-Glubiak E., Korzeniowska J., Hoffmann J., Górecka H., Jóźwiak W., Wiśniewska G. Effect of sulphur added to phosphate rock on solubility and phytoavailability of phosphorus. Pol. J. Chem. Tech. 2014, 16(1):81-85.
  • Stanisławska-Glubiak E., Korzeniowska J., Hoffmann J., Górecka H., Kantek K. 2014. Availability of phosphorus for plants from rock phosphate-enriched composts. Part 2. Evaluation of composts in an agricultural experiment. Przemysł Chemiczny 93(7), 1235-1238.
  • Stanisławska-Glubiak E., Korzeniowska J., Hoffmann J., Jóźwiak W., Wiśniewska G. 2014. Availability of phosphorus for plants from rock phosphate-enriched composts. Part 1. Technology of compost production. Przemysł Chemiczny 93(5), 807-810.
  • Stanisławska-Glubiak E., Korzeniowska J., Hoffmann J., Jóźwiak W., Wiśniewska G. Dostępność fosforu dla roślin z kompostów wzbogaconych fosforytem. Cz. I. Technologia wytwarzania kompostów. Przemysł Chemiczny 2014, 93(5): 807-810.
  • Stolarski M. J., Krzyżaniak M., Szczukowski S., Tworkowski J., Bieniek A. 2014. Short rotation woody crops grown on marginal soil for biomass energy. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 23(5), 1727-1739.
  • Szafranek-Nakonieczna A., Stępniewska Z. 2014. Aerobic and anaerobic respiration in profiles of Polesie Lubelskie peatlands. Int. Agroph. 28, 2, 219–229.
  • Szajdak L.W., Lipiec J., Siczek A., Nosalewicz A., Majewska U. 2014. Leaching kinetics of atrazine and inorganic chemicals in tilled and orchard soils. Int. Agroph. 28, 2, 231-237.
  • Szymański W., Skiba M., Błachowski A. 2014. Mineralogy of Fe–Mn nodules in Albeluvisols in the Carpathian Foothills, Poland. Geoderma 217–218, 102-110, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.11.008.
  • Szymański W., Skiba M., Nikorych V. A., Kuligiewicz A. 2014. Nature and formation of interlayer fillings in clay minerals in Albeluvisols from the Carpathian Foothills, Poland. Geoderma, 235, 396-409.
  • Świtoniak M. 2014. Use of soil profile truncation to estimate influence of accelerated erosion on soil cover transformation in young morainic landscapes, North-Eastern Poland. Catena 116: 173-184, DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2013.12.015.
  • Świtoniak, M., 2014. Use of soil profile truncation to estimate influence of accelerated erosion on soil cover transformation in young morainic landscapes, North-Eastern Poland. Catena 116, 173-184
  • Tyszka R., Kierczak J., Pietranik A., Ettler V., Mihaljevič M. 2014. Extensive weathering of zinc smelting slag in a heap in Upper Silesia (Poland): Potential environmental risks posed by mechanical disturbance of slag deposits. Applied Geochemistry, 40, 70–81.
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