Polskie publikacje z dziedziny nauk o glebie

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Polish papers in soil science published in the journals indexed by JCR

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dr inż. Katarzyna Szopka (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu)


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Publikacje z lat:

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009-2010 | 2007-2008 | 2001-2006 | do 2000



Publikacje z roku 2015


  • Azarbad H., Niklińska M., Nikiel K., van Straalen N. M., Röling W. F. 2015. Functional and compositional responses in soil microbial communities along two metal pollution gradients: does the level of historical pollution affect resistance against secondary stress?. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 51:879–890.
  • Baćmaga M., Borowik A., Kucharski J., Tomkiel M., Wyszkowska J. 2015. Microbial and enzymatic activity of soil contaminated with a mixture of diflufenican+ mesosulfuron-methyl+ iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22:643–656.
  • Baćmaga M., Kucharski J., Wyszkowska J. 2015. Microbial and enzymatic activity of soil contaminated with azoxystrobin. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 187(10), 615.
  • Banach-Szott M., Debska B., Wisniewska A., Pakula J. 2015. Changes in the contents of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils of various types. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22: 5059–5069.
  • Baran A., Tarnawski M. 2015. Assessment of heavy metals mobility and toxicity in contaminated sediments by sequential extraction and a battery of bioassays. Ecotoxicology 24(6), 1279-1293.
  • Baran A., Wieczorek J. 2015. Application of geochemical and ecotoxicity indices for assessment of heavy metals content in soils. Archives of Environmental Protection 41 (2), 54–63.
  • Baran A., Zaleski T., Kulikowski E., Wieczorek J. 2015. Hydrophysical and Biological Properties of Sandy Substrata Enriched with Hydrogel. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 24(6), 2355-2362.
  • Baran S., Urban D., Wójcikowska-Kapusta A., Bik-Małodzińska M., Żukowska G., Wesołowska-Dobruk S., Kwiatkowski Z. 2015. Phytoindicative evaluation of habitat conditions of soilless formations reclaimed with flotation sludge, sewage sludge and used mineral wool under the influence of the Jeziórko Sulphur Mine. J. Elem., 20(1): 7 – 18
  • Baran S., Wójcikowska-Kapusta A., Żukowska G., Bik-Małodzińska M., Wesołowska-Dobruk S. 2015. Influence of sludge-ash composts on some properties of reclaimed land. Archives of Environmental Protection 41 (2), 82-88.
  • Bartkowiak A. 2015. Zawartość rtęci w glebach leśnych narażonych na oddziaływanie zanieczyszczeń komunikacyjnych. Sylwan 159 (3): 246-251.
  • Bartkowiak A., Lemanowicz J., Kobierski M. 2015. The content of macro- and microelements and the phosphatase activity of soils under a varied plant cultivation technology. Eurasian Soil Science 48, 12, 1354-1360.
  • Bielińska E. J., Futa B., Baran S., Żukowska G., Olenderek H. 2015. Enzymy glebowe jako bioindykatory jakości i zdrowotności gleb leśnych w obszarze oddziaływania Zakładów Azotowych „Puławy” S.A., Sylwan 159 (11):921-930.
  • Bielińska E. J., Mocek-Płóciniak A. 2015. Biochemical and chemical indices of soil transformations on goose farms in years 1996–2011. Archives of Environmental Protection, 41(1), 80-85.
  • Błońska E., Małek S., Januszek K., Barszcz J., Wanic T. 2015. Changes in forest soil properties and spruce stands characteristics after dolomite, magnesite and serpentinite fertilization. European Journal of Forest Research, 134, 981-990.
  • Bosiacki M. 2015. Influence of increasing nickel content in soil on Miscanthus× giganteus Greef and Deu. Yielding and on the content of nickel in above-ground biomass. Archives of Environmental Protection, 41(1), 72-79.
  • Breś W., Trelka T. 2015. Effect of fertigation on soil pollution during greenhouse plant cultivation. Archives of Environmental Protection, 41(2), 75-81.
  • Brożek, S., Lasota, J., Błońska, E., Wanic, T., Zwydak, M. 2015. Waloryzacja siedlisk obszarów górskich na podstawie Siedliskowego Indeksu Glebowego (SIGg). Sylwan, 159(8), 684-692.
  • Charzyński P., Hulisz P., Bednarek R., Piernik A., Winkler M., Chmurzyński M. 2015. Edifisols — a new soil unit of technogenic soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments 15:1675–1686.
  • Charzyński P., Markiewicz M., Majorek M., Bednarek R. 2015. Geochemical assessment of soils in the German Nazi concentration camp in Stutthof (Northern Poland). Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 61, 47–54.
  • Ciećko Ż., Żołnowski A. C., Madej M., Wasiak G., Lisowski J. 2015. Long-term effects of hard coal fly ash on selected soil properties. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 24(5), 1949-1957.
  • Czachor H., Charytanowicz M., Gonet S., Niewczas J., Jozefaciuk G., Lichner L. 2015. Impact of long-term mineral and organic fertilizer application on the water stability, wettability and porosity of aggregates obtained from two loamy soils. European Journal of Soil Science 66, 577–588.
  • Czyż E. A., Dexter A. R. 2015. Mechanical dispersion of clay from soil into water: readily-dispersed and spontaneously-dispersed clay. International Agrophysics 29, 31-38.
  • Dębicka M., Kocowicz A., Weber J., Jamroz E. 2015. Organic matter effects on phosphorus sorption in sandy soils. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 1-16.
  • Domańska J., Badora A., Filipek T. 2015. The sensitivity of Brassica napus ssp. oleifera to cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) contamination at different pH of mineral and organic soils. J. Elem., 20(1): 59 – 71.
  • Gaj R., Budka A., Przybył J. 2015. Effect of different tillage systems on the macronutrient content and uptake in sugar beets. J. Elem., 20(4): 839 – 853.
  • Greinert A. 2015. The heterogeneity of urban soils in the light of their properties. Journal of Soils and Sediments 15:1725-1737.
  • Gruba P.,  Mulder J. 2015. Tree species affect cation exchange capacity (CEC) and cation binding properties of organic matter in acid forest soils. Science of The Total Environment 511, 655-662.
  • Gruba P., Socha J., Błońska E., Lasota J. 2015. Effect of variable soil texture, metal saturation of soil organic matter (SOM) and tree species composition on spatial distribution of SOM in forest soils in Poland. Science of the Total Environment, 521, 90-100.
  • Harasim P., Filipek T. 2015. Nickel in the environment. J. Elem., 20(2): 525 - 534
  • Hewelke E., Szatyłowicz J., Gnatowski T., Oleszczuk R. 2015. Zmienność przestrzenna uwilgotnienia hydrofobowej gleby organicznej w warunkach przepływu preferencyjnego. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 16(1)..
  • Hewelke P., Gnatowski T., Hewelke E., Tyszka J., Żakowicz S. 2015. Analysis of water retention capacity for select forest soils in Poland. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(3): 1013-1019
  • Hoesel A., Hoek W. Z., Pennock G. M., Kaiser K., Plümper O., Jankowski M., Drury M. R. 2015. A search for shocked quartz grains in the Allerod-Younger Dryas boundary layer. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 50, 3, 483–498.
  • Ilek A., Kucza J., Szostek M. 2015. The effect of stand species composition on water storage capacity of the organic layers of forest soils. European Journal of Forest Research 134:187–197.
  • Jäger H., Achermann M., Waroszewski J., Kabała C., Malkiewicz M., Gärtner H., Egli M. 2015. Pre-alpine mire sediments as a mirror of erosion, soil formation and landscape evolution during the last 45ka. Catena 128, 63-79.
  • Janczarek M., Rachwał K., Cieśla J., Ginalska G., Bieganowski A. 2015. Production of exopolysaccharide by Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii and its role in bacterial attachment and surface properties. Plant and Soil, 388, 211–227.
  • Januszek K., Błońska E., Długa J., Socha J. 2015. Dehydrogenase activity of forest soils depends on the assay used. International Agrophysics 29, 47-60.
  • Januszek K., Małek S., Błońska E., Barszcz J., Chilarski J. 2015. Zastosowanie Siedliskowego Indeksu Glebowego dla terenów górskich (SIGg) w ocenie jakości siedlisk zamierających drzewostanów świerkowych. Sylwan 159 (5): 419-426
  • Jastrzębska M., Kostrzewska M. K., Makowski P., Treder K., Marks M. 2015. Effects of ash and bone phosphorus biofertilizers on Bacillus megaterium counts and select biological and physical soil properties. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 24: 1603-1609.
  • Jonczak J., Parzych A., Sobisz Z. 2015. Carbon and nitrogen forms distribution in Histosols of headwater areas – case study from the valley of Kamienna Creek (northern Poland). J. Elem., 20(1): 95 – 105
  • Jonczak J., Simansky V., Pollakova N. 2015. Zawartość i profilowe rozmieszczenie frakcji fosforu w uprawnych i leśnych czarnoziemach z poziomem cambic. Sylwan 159 (11): 931-939.
  • Kabała C., Płonka T., Przekora A. 2015. Vertic properties and gilgai-related subsurface features in soils of south-western Poland. Catena 128, 95-107.
  • Kacprzak A., Szymański W., Wójcik-Tabol P. 2015. The role of flysch sandstones in forming the properties of cover deposits and soils–examples from the Carpathians. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues, 59(1), 225-243.
  • Kaczyńska G., Borowik A., Wyszkowska J. 2015. Soil Dehydrogenases as an Indicator of Contamination of the Environment with Petroleum Products. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 226(11), 372.
  • Kalisz B., Lachacz A., Glazewski R. 2015. Effects of peat drainage on labile organic carbon and water repellency in NE Poland. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 39(1), 20-27.
  • Klamerus-Iwan A., Błońska E., Lasota J., Kalandyk A., Waligórski P. 2015. Influence of Oil Contamination on Physical and Biological Properties of Forest Soil After Chainsaw Use. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 226(11), 389.
  • Kołodziej B., Antonkiewicz J., Stachyra M., Bielińska E. J., Wiśniewski J., Luchowska K., Kwiatkowski C. 2015. Use of sewage sludge in bioenergy production—A case study on the effects on sorghum biomass production. European Journal of Agronomy, 69, 63-74.
  • Kormanek M., Banach J., Sowa P. 2015. Effect of soil bulk density on forest tree seedlings. International Agrophysics, 29(1), 67-74.
  • Korzeniowska J., Stanislawska-Glubiak E. 2015. Phytoremediation potential of Miscanthus× giganteus and Spartina pectinata in soil contaminated with heavy metals. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 15, 11648-11657.
  • Korzeniowska J., Stanisławska-Glubiak E. 2015. Comparison of 1 M HCl and Mehlich 3 for assessment of the micronutrient status of Polish soils in the context of winter wheat nutritional demands. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 46, 1263-1277.
  • Korzeniowska J., Stanisławska-Glubiak E., Domaradzki K. 2015. Porównanie efektywności chelatowych i mineralnych form nawozów mikroelementowych przy ich dolistnej aplikacji. Przemysł Chemiczny, 2015, 94(5): 810-813
  • Kostecki J., Greinert A., Drab M., Wasylewicz R., Szafraniec M., Stodulski G., Wypych M. 2015. The total content of nitrogen in leaves and wood of trees growing in the area affected by the Głogów Copper Smelter. J. Elem., 20(1): 137 - 148
  • Król A., Lipiec J., Frąc M. 2015. The effect of dairy sewage sludge amendment on repellency and hydraulic conductivity of soil aggregates from two depths of Eutric Cambisol. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 178, 270-277.
  • Kyzioł-Komosińska, J., Rosik-Dulewska, C., Franus, M., Antoszczyszyn-Szpicka, P., Czupioł, J., & Krzyżewska, I. 2015. Sorption Capacities of Natural and Synthetic Zeolites for Cu (II) Ions. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(3), 1111-1123.
  • Lasota J., Błońska E., Zwydak  M. 2015. Warunki glebowe eutroficznych lasów jodłowych Beskidu Niskiego oraz Sądeckiego. Sylwan 159(9):767-777
  • Lipiec J., Brzezińska M., Turski M., Szarlip P., Frąc M. 2015. Wettability and biogeochemical properties of the drilosphere and casts of endogeic earthworms in pear orchard. Soil and Tillage Research, 145, 55-61.
  • Łanczont M., Madeyska T., Sytnyk O., Bogucki A., Komar M., Nawrocki J., Mroczek P. 2014. Natural environment of MIS 5 and soil catena sequence along a loess slope in the Seret River valley: Evidence from the Pronyatyn Palaeolithic site (Ukraine). Quaternary International 365, 98-113.
  • Łukasik A., Szuszkiewicz M., Magiera T. 2015. Impact of artifacts on topsoil magnetic susceptibility enhancement in urban parks of the Upper Silesian conurbation datasets. J Soils Sediments 15: 1836-1846.
  • Łukowiak, R., Grzebisz, W., Sassenrath, G. F. 2015. New insights into phosphorus management in agriculture—A crop rotation approach. Science of The Total Environment 542B, 1062-1077.
  • Magiera T., Parzentny H., Róg L., Chybiorz R., Wawer M. 2015. Spatial variation of soil magnetic susceptibility in relation to different emission sources in southern Poland. Geoderma 255, 94-103.
  • Małecka M., Kwaśna H. 2015. Effect of scots pine sawdust amendment on abundance and diversity of culturable fungi in soil. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(6), 2515-2524.
  • Mazur Z., Mazur T. 2015. Effects of long-term organic and mineral fertilizer applications on soil nitrogen content. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(5), 2073-2078.
  • Mazur Z., Mazur T. 2015. Influence of long-term fertilization on phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and sulfur content in soil. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 24, 1, 185-190.
  • Mazur Z., Mazur T. 2015. Organic carbon content and its fractions in soils of multi-year fertilization experiments. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(4): 1697-1703.
  • Mazur Z., Radziemska M., Fronczyk J., Jeznach J. 2015 Heavy metal accumulation in bioindicators of pollution in urban areas of northeastern Poland. Fresenius Env. Bullet. 24, 1a, 216-223.
  • Miśkowiec P., Łaptaś A., Zięba K. 2015. Soil pollution with heavy metals in industrial and agricultural areas: a case study of Olkusz District. J. Elem., 20(2): 353 - 362
  • Oktaba L., Kondras M. 2015: Przemiany materii organicznej gleb łąkowych w pierwszych latach po zalesieniu. Sylwan 159, nr 2: 126-134.
  • Pająk M., Gąsiorek M., Cygan A., Wanic T. 2015. Concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in the top layer of soil and needles of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.); a case study of two extremely different conditions of the forest environment in Poland. Fresenius Enviromental Bulletin 24, 1, 71-76.
  • Parzych A., Jonczak J. 2015. Content of Heavy Metals in Needles of Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris L.) in Selected Pine Forests in Słowiński National Park. Archives of Environmental Protection. 39, 1, 41–51.
  • Pawełczak M., Dawidowska-Marynowicz B., Oszywa B., Koszałkowska M., Kręcidło Ł., Krzyśko-Łupicka T. 2015. Inflence of bioremediation stimulators in soil on development of oat seedlings (Avena sativa) and their aminopeptidase activity. Archives of Environmental Protection, 41(1), 24-28.
  • Piernik A., Hulisz P., Rokicka A. 2015. Micropattern of halophytic vegetation on technogenic soils affected by the soda industry. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 61, 98–112.
  • Piotrowska-Długosz A., Charzyński P. 2015. The impact of the soil sealing degree on microbial biomass, enzymatic activity, and physicochemical properties in the Ekranic Technosols of Toruń (Poland). Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15: 47–59.
  • Piotrowska-Długosz A., Wilczewski E. 2015. Influences of catch crop and its incorporation time on soil carbon and carbon-related enzymes. Pedosphere 25(4): 569-579.
  • Plak A., Chodorowski J., Bis M. 2015. Influence of land use on the content of select forms of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in urban soils. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(6), 2577-2586.
  • Podlasińska J., Proskura N., Szymańska A. 2015. Content of Pb, Hg, Zn, Mn, Cu, and Fe in Macrofungi Collected from Wkrzanska Forest in Northwestern Poland. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 24, 2, 651-656.
  • Polakowski C., Ryżak M., Bieganowski A., Sochan A., Bartmiński P., Dębicki R., Stelmach W. 2015. The reasons for incorrect measurements of the mass fraction ratios of fine and coarse material by laser diffraction. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 79(1), 30-36.
  • Potasznik A., Szymczyk S. 2015. Magnesium and calcium concentrations in the surface water and bottom deposits of a river-lake system. J. Elem., 20(3): 677-692
  • Rachwał M., Magiera T., Wawer M. 2015. Coke industry and steel metallurgy as the source of soil contamination by technogenic magnetic particles, heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Chemosphere.
  • Rolka E. 2015. Effect of soil contamination with cadmium and application of neutralizing substances on the yield of oat (Avena sativa L.) and on the uptake of cadmium by this crop. J. Elem., 20(4): 975 - 986
  • Różyło K., Oleszczuk P., Jośko I., Kraska P., Kwiecińska-Poppe E., Andruszczak S. 2015. An ecotoxicological evaluation of soil fertilized with biogas residues or mining waste. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 7833–7842.
  • Rutkowska B., Szulc W., Bomze K., Gozdowski D., Spychaj-Fabisiak E. 2015. Soil factors affecting solubility and mobility of zinc in contaminated soils. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 12, 1687–1694.
  • Sewerniak P., Jasińska J., Golińska P., Składanowski M. 2015. Intensywność mineralizacji igieł w borze sosnowym w odniesieniu do warunków siedliskowych i mikrobiologicznych stoków wydm o kontrastowej ekspozycji. Sylwan 159 (10):839-847.
  • Siczek A., Horn R., Lipiec J., Usowicz B., Łukowski M. 2015. Effects of soil deformation and surface mulching on soil physical properties and soybean response related to weather conditions. Soil and Tillage Research, 153, 175-184.
  • Smólczyński S., Orzechowski M., Kalisz B. 2015. Distribution of elements in soil catenas developed in ice-dammed lake and in morainic landscapes in NE Poland. J. Elem., 20(2): 417 – 434.
  • Smykla J., Drewnik M., Szarek-Gwiazda E., Hii Y. S., Knap W., Emslie S. D. 2015. Variation in the characteristics and development of soils at Edmonson Point due to abiotic and biotic factors, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Catena 132, 56-67.
  • Sochan A., Bieganowski A., Bartmiński P., Ryżak M., Brzezińska M., Dębicki R., Polakowski C. 2015. Use of the Laser Diffraction Method for Assessment of the Pipette Method. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 79(1), 37-42.
  • Sochan A., Zieliński P., Bieganowski A. 2015. Selection of shape parameters that differentiate sand grains, based on the automatic analysis of two-dimensional images. Sedimentary Geology 327, 14-20.
  • Stanislawska-Glubiak E., Korzeniowska J., Kocon A. 2015. Effect of peat on the accumulation and translocation of heavy metals by maize grown in contaminated soils. Environ Sci Pollut Res 22, 4706–4714.
  • Stanisławska-Glubiak E., Korzeniowska J., Hoffmann J., Górecka H. 2015. Porównanie pylistej i granulowanej postaci nawozu fosforowo-siarkowego wytworzonego na bazie mielonego fosforytu w aspekcie wpływu na środowisko. Przemysł Chemiczny 94(3): 408-411.
  • Staszewski T., Malawska M., Studnik-Wójcikowska B., Galera H., Wiłkomirski B. 2015. Soil and plants contamination with selected heavy metals in the area of a railway junction. Archives of Environmental Protection, 41(1), 35-42.
  • Stępień A., Wojtkowiak K. 2015. Effect of meat and bone meal on the content of microelements in the soil and wheat grains and oilseed rape seeds. J. Elem., 20(4): 999 - 1010
  • Stępień, M., Samborski, S., Gozdowski, D., Dobers, E. S., Chormański, J., Szatyłowicz, J. 2015. Assessment of soil texture class on agricultural fields using ECa, Amber NDVI, and topographic properties. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 178, 523-536..
  • Swędrzyńska D., Grześ S. 2015. Microbiological parameters of soil under sugar beet as a response to the long-term application of different tillage systems. Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 24, 1, 285-294.
  • Symanowicz B., Kalembasa S., Niedbała M. 2015. Impact of multi-annual mineral fertilization with NPKCa on the content and uptake of magnesium by eastern galega. J. Elem., 20(4): 1011 - 1019
  • Szostek R., Ciećko Z. 2015. Impact of soil contamination with fluorine on the content of phosphorus in the biomass of crops. J Elementology 20(3): 731-742.
  • Szostek R., Ciećko Z., Walczak M., Świontek-Brzezinska M. 2015. Microbiological and Enzymatic Activity of Soil after Pollution with Fluorine. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(6), 2641-2646.
  • Szuszkiewicz M., Magiera T., Kapička A., Petrovský E., Grison H., Gołuchowska B. 2015. Magnetic characteristics of industrial dust from different sources of emission: A case study of Poland. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 116, 84-92.
  • Szymański W., Skiba M., Wojtuń B., Drewnik M. 2015. Soil properties, micromorphology, and mineralogy of Cryosols from sorted and unsorted patterned grounds in the Hornsund area, SW Spitsbergen. Geoderma 253, 1-11.
  • Świercz A., Smorzewska E. 2015. Assesment of long-term antropogenic impact on the degree of heavy metal contaminatiom of organic alluvia deposited in the area of the Białogoński Pond. Carpatian Journal of Earth and Environment. Science, 10, 4, 49-56.
  • Świercz A., Smorzewska E. 2015. Variations in the zinc and lead content in surface layers of urban soils in Kielce (Poland) with regard to land use. J.Elem., 20(2): 449-461.
  • Tokarz E., Urban D., Szafranek-Nakonieczna A., Stępniewska Z. 2015. Selected chemical and physicochemical properties of sediments in Moszne Lake and mire (Polesie National Park).  J. Elem., 20(4): 1041 – 1052.
  • Waroszewski J., Kabała C., Jezierski P. 2015. Relief-induced soil differentiation at the sandstone-mudstone contact in the Stołowe Mountains, SW Poland. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues, 59(1), 209-224.
  • Waroszewski J., Malkiewicz M., Mazurek R., Labaz B., Jezierski P., Kabala C. 2015. Lithological discontinuities in Podzols developed from sandstone cover beds in the Stolowe Mountains (Poland). CATENA, 126, 11-19.
  • Wawer M., Magiera T., Ojha G., Appel E., Bućko M. S., Kusza G. 2015. Characteristics of current roadside pollution using test-monitoring plots. Science of The Total Environment, 505, 795-804.
  • Wawer M., Magiera T., Ojha G., Appel E., Kusza G., Hu S., Basavaiah N. 2015. Traffic-Related Pollutants in Roadside Soils of Different Countries in Europe and Asia. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 226(7), 216.
  • Weber J., Strączyńska S., Kocowicz A., Gilewska M., Bogacz A., Gwiżdż M., Dębicka M. 2015. Properties of soil materials derived from fly ash 11years after revegetation of post-mining excavation. Catena 133, 250-254.
  • Wiatrowska K., Komisarek J., Dłużewski P. 2015. Effects of heavy metals on the activity of dehydrogenases, phosphatases and urease in naturally and artificially contaminated soils. J. Elem., 20(3): 743-756
  • Widomski M. K., Stępniewski W., Horn R., Bieganowski A., Gazda L., Franus M., Pawłowska M. 2015. Shrink-swell potential, hydraulic conductivity and geotechnical properties of clay materials for landfill liner construction. International Agrophysics 29, 365-375.
  • Wierzbicka M., Bemowska-Kałabun O., Gworek B. 2015. Multidimensional evaluation of soil pollution from railway tracks. Ecotoxicology 24, 805–822.
  • Witkowska-Walczak B., Bartmiński P., Sławiński C. 2015. Hydrophysical characteristics of selected soils from arctic and temperate zones. International Agrophysics, 29(4), 525-531.
  • Wolińska A., Rekosz-Burlaga H., Goryluk-Salmonowicz A., Błaszczyk M., Stępniewska Z. 2015. Bacterial abundance and dehydrogenase activity in selected agricultural soils from Lublin region. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 24(6), 2677-2682.
  • Wyszkowski M., Modrzewska B. 2015. Effect of neutralizing substances on zinc-contaminated soil on the yield and macroelement content in yellow lupine (Lupinus luteus L.). J. Elem., 20(2): 503 – 512.
  • Zaborowska M., Kucharski J., Wyszkowska J. 2015. Remediation of soil contaminated with cadmium. J. Elem.,  20(3): 769-78
  • Zaborowska M., Wyszkowska J., Kucharski J. 2015. Maintenance of Soil Homeostasis under Exposure to Cadmium. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 46:16, 2051-2069.
  • Zawadzki J., Fabijańczyk P., Magiera T., Rachwał M. 2015. Micro-scale spatial correlation of magnetic susceptibility in soil profile in forest located in an industrial area. Geoderma, 249, 61-68.
  • Zieliński P., Sokołowski R. J., Woronko B., Jankowski M., Fedorowicz S., Zaleski I., Weckwerth P. 2015. The depositional conditions of the fluvio-aeolian succession during the last climate minimum based on the examples from Poland and NW Ukraine. Quaternary International 386, 30-41.
  • Żołnierz L., Weber J., Gilewska M., Strączyńska S., Pruchniewicz D. 2015. The spontaneous development of understory vegetation on reclaimed and afforested post-mine excavation filled with fly ash. Catena 136, 84–90.